ACT! San Antonio is excited to have Representative Molly White (R), District 55, speaking to our chapter Friday evening. Rep White is a true conservative, pro-ALAC, pro-life, pro-military and a supporter of secure borders. As a newly appointed person to the Homeland Security and Public Safety committee Rep. White will share her thoughts as a freshmen representative.
The outstanding five-part DVD created by William Federer, historian, author and patriot will have its third installment shown. How did Christian Constantinople fall to the Muslims? What is the connection between the Muslims shutting down the trade routes and the discovery of America?
The latest on ALAC? Did you know Sen Campbell has filed a senate version of HB562? Learn the latest and lets write some letters to senators and reps supporting ALAC.
Lastly, a "report card" for everyone to send to their local school boards will be passed out. Are you tired of schools purchasing bad books? This report card will give you the information you need to convince school boards which social studies textbooks should and should not be purchased.