Rabbi Jonathan Hausman is one of the 2014 ACT! for America Citizen Legislator of the Year Award winners.
Rabbi Hausman, or Rabbi "J" as he prefers to be called, has courageously sounded the alarm on the threat from Shariah and Jihad and has especially been key to the American Laws for American Courts effort in Florida, Georgia and Texas. We consider his tremendous efforts to have “tipped the scales” this year in the major win in Florida.
He is the rabbi of Congregation Ahavath Torah in Stoughton, Massachusetts.
Rabbi J received a BA in Religion and Judaic Studies and an MA in Middle East and Jewish Studies from The George Washington University.
He received a JD from Emory University and received his smicha (rabbinic ordination) from Tifereth Israel Rabbinical Yeshiva.
Rabbi J sponsors a unique forum at his synagogue named after his parents, the Hausman Memorial Speaker Series. Political, military and civilian activists who support free speech particularly as it relates to terrorism and the spread of Islamic ideology participate in a panel discussion. Past speakers have included:
- Wafa Sultan,
- Bat Ye’or (Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis),
- Andrew C. McCarthy (author of The Grand Jihad),
- commentator and radio talk show host Mark Steyn,
- Lt. General Jerry "Black Hawk Down" Boykin,
- European free speech advocates Lars Hedegaard and Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wollf
- and, of course, the Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders who produced the film Fitna, amongst many others.
We welcome Rabbi Hausman as he shares his insight on where Jewish, Sharia and US Constitutional law crosses and what can be done to thwart the rise of radical Islam in the US.
Bring a friend and hear Rabbi J's (definitely non-PC) speak openly about ISIS and the future of Israeli and US relations.